UL Product iQ

Anyone can obtain information about the validity of a given certification by contacting the UL Customer Experience Center. Phone number: 1-877-854-3577 — Email: [email protected]

UL Product iQ Features

  • Access UL Certifications

    Trusted UL Data

    Access the same trusted UL certification data.
  • Clean Interface

    Superior Usability

    Experience a clean, mobile-friendly interface with superior usability.
  • Advanced Search

    Advanced Search

    Pinpoint the exact content you need with advanced search features.
  • Customizable

    Personalized Account

    Personalize your account with a custom dashboard, saved searches and tagging features.
  • One-Click Confirmation

    Letters of Compliance

    Get confirmation letters of UL compliance with one click.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is UL replacing the UL iQ databases for Plastics, Appliance Wiring Material and Wire and Cable?

Product iQ is one of several initiatives designed to meet the growing demands of a digital world. The platform is designed to create value, support transformation and evolve with changing needs.

Product iQ is built on a modern search engine platform that offers a better user experience, can incorporate more relevant information and support multiple new user features. The new directory provides the same information as the old platform.

What has UL improved with Product iQ? What features are available?

Product iQ is built on a modern digital platform with a streamlined user interface and a fast, robust search capability. Features such as guided keyword search, search refinement and the ability to email search results improve the user experience. Additionally, an optional paid subscription gives users access to enhanced tools: saved searches, tagging and confirmation letters.

Product iQ also enables our customers to promote and differentiate their products and company through the use of digital media services and targeted email campaigns. Platform analytics can help our customers connect with other UL customers and provide transparency to industry and platform trends.

Do the iQ Database URLs that I bookmarked still work for Product iQ?

Search pages in the retiring iQ databases are set to direct to respective pages in Product iQ. Many other pages have also been redirected to the appropriate page in Product iQ.

A user must have an active Product iQ account and be logged into Product iQ for the redirect to work. If an active Product iQ account does not exist, a prompt will appear to create an account or log in when accessing a bookmarked page.

Why am I being asked to register for Product iQ to access UL certification data?

UL is committed to meeting our customers’ needs. Understanding who is accessing UL certification data and how the data is being used is critical to being able to understand customer needs and interests. Account logins will also enable UL to provide relevant information and communications to each of our customers based on their preferences.

A user will only be required to login or their initial Product iQ session. Future sessions will not require a login unless the user logs out, disables or clears their cookies.

(After submitting a registration form, check your inbox for an email with your activation link to access this site. If you are missing the activation email, look in your email spam folder.)